MCQSC Updates Archives
June 2023 Investigative Report: Noise Could Take Years Off Your Life
A terrific investigative report about the health implications of noise was published last weekend by the New York Times.
June 2023 Washington Post editorial: "Don't Ruin Reagan National Airport"
Great news! The Washington Post editorial board just published an opinion piece opposing any changes to the slot and perimeter rule. In their words: “This would make a mess of DCA — worsening delays, noise, congestion and overcrowding — while destabilizing the regional air network.”
May 2023 Op Ed about the Perimeter Rule
George Allen, a Republican, was governor of Virginia from 1994 to 1998, a U.S. senator from 2001 to 2007, a member of the House from 1991 to 1993 and a member of the Virginia House of Delegates from 1983 to 1991. He is a Reagan Ranch presidential scholar for the Young America’s Foundation.
May 2023 Congressional threat to expand the Perimeter Rule at DCA is in the news
Congressional threat to expand the Perimeter Rule at DCA is in the news
May 2023 Perimeter rule that limits long-haul flights at DCA is under attack
A new organization calling itself the Capital Access Alliance is urging Congress to eliminate the long-standing perimeter rule at Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). Doing so would allow unlimited long-haul flights to arrive and depart at DCA.
January 2023 MCQSC Update: New GPS Approach Procedure Endorsed
BIG NEWS: The DCA Community Noise Working Group recently voted to endorse the FAA design for a new GPS-based approach procedure that is expected to provide some aircraft noise mitigation for our communities.
December 2022 MCQSC Update: Congressional Letter to FAA — Noise-Impacted Communities Must Be Heard
Members of the Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus, including Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8), sent a letter Dec. 1 to the Federal Aviation Administration asking the FAA to take actions to ensure that communities impacted by aviation are treated as legitimate stakeholders in the agency’s decision-making processes.
November 2022 MCQSC Update: Status of Proposed DCA Approach Procedure
At the Oct. 2022 meeting of the DCA Community Noise Working Group, the FAA presented modifications to the proposal new approach procedure signaling a possible way forward.
October 2022 MCQSC Update: Maryland Study Says Concentrated Flight Paths Have Negative Health Affects
Study says concentrated flight paths at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall (BWI) airport have negative health effects that will, on average, cost Marylanders in excess of $40 million per year over the next 30 years.
August 2022 MCSQC Update: New Law Tells NASA to Research Technologies For Cleaner, Quieter Planes and Other News
Cleaner, Quieter Airplane Act signed into law and a FFA-funded sleep study looking at nighttime aircraft noise and sleep disturbance is underway. The findings are anticipated Sept. 2024.
July 2022 MCQSC Update: Noise Is Up at DCA; FAA wins lawsuit against residents of Scottsdale, AZ and Other News
Number of flights at DCA almost back to pre-pandemic levels.
July 2022 MCQSC Update: Southern California Quiet Skies Group Requests Action from Transportation Secretary Buttigieg
Studio City for Quiet Skies, a community group fighting the harm caused by the NextGen changes at Burbank Airport, sent an email July 6 calling on Secretary Buttgieg to fix the severe damage caused by NextGen.
July 2022: Special MCQSC Update: New Helicopter Noise Complaint System for the DC Region
A trial helicopter noise reporting system for the DC area is now operationala.
June 2022 MCQSC Update: MCQSC Participates in National Conference on Airplane Noise and Health; A Noise Complaint System for Helicopters
A national online conference, Aircraft Noise, Pollution and Health: Connecting the Dots, drew more than 400 participants from the United States and other countries.
February 2022 MCQSC Update: NASA to hold imaginAviation Virtual Conference
Our beautiful skies could soon be filled with more than commercial aircraft and helicopters. NASA is bringing together government and private sector interests to study the future of aviation.
December 2021 MCQSC Update: Aircraft Noise Mitigation Study Meeting Info.
We know that the consultant covered a lot of material that night! If you want to review some of it before submitting comments, links to the presentation and the powerpoint are provided below.
November 2021 MCQSC Update: FAA Reviewing DCA Working Group Proposal
Greetings to all! Although the frequency of flights over our homes is approaching pre-pandemic levels again, we have news that may help to improve your spirits.
June 2021 MCSQC Update: Aviation Expert Consulting Contract Extended and Other News
MCQSC thanks County Executive Marc Elrich and Councilmember Andrew Friedson for extending the consulting contract with the aviation consulting firm ABCx2. Continuation of this contract is critical to support the important work of monitoring TAA concept test results, engaging in an iterative process with the FAA to maximize approach track variability, and beginning a process to mitigate impacts from Easterly departures.
May 2021 Special MCQSC Update: Coalition Needs Grant Writing Help
Please consider volunteering to help MCQSC apply for an EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant.