December 2021 MCQSC Update: Aircraft Noise Mitigation Study Meeting Info.
THANKS to those who attended the Aircraft Noise Mitigation Study Meeting #3 on Tuesday evening, Dec. 13th. Questions and feedback should be sent to We would appreciate it if you would copy us on your responses:
We know that the consultant covered a lot of material that night! If you want to review some of it before submitting comments, links to the presentation and the powerpoint are provided below.
Recording of the meeting here:
Powerpoint slides here: DCA Aircraft Noise Mitigation Study Community Conversation #3, Component 2 -Departures .
NOTE: During the meeting there was a mislabeled slide that caused some confusion – at minute 48:30 of the video, the slide showed the existing and proposed easterly departure route AMEEE. However, the existing and proposed routes were mislabeled/reversed. This has been fixed in the powerpoint linked above.
REMINDER: Please submit questions and feedback to and please cc us at
Thanks and Happy Holidays!