A Quieter, More Respectful Society; The Hearing Journal, September 7, 2022
Arline Bronzaft, PhD
Dr. Arline L. Bronzaft is Professor Emerita at City University of New York, a board member of GrowNYC and Right to Quiet. Dr. Bronzaft serves as an advisor to Quiet Communities Inc. She is a co-author of “Why Noise Matters: A Worldwide Perspective on the Problems, Policies and Solutions” and author of the children’s book “Listen to the Raindrops.”
Since my first study on noise resulted in action that led to the reduction of rail noise in New York City, I believe that ways to reduce noise are accessible. For example, appliances are quieter today than they were earlier; appropriate insulation has resulted in homes being quieter; sound levels of buses and trains have been reduced; and quieter lawn equipment is now available. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), recognizing that aircraft noise intrudes on children’s learning, spent millions of dollars to quiet schools subjected to aircraft noise. Yet, despite other efforts by the FAA to lessen noise impacts, residents across the United States are still experiencing much aircraft noise in their homes. Many living in urban settings still experience loud “souped-up cars” traveling down city streets and parked cars playing music late into the night. Cities are passing noise ordinances to deal with increased noises in their communities but too often residents complain that these ordinances are not being enforced. Thus, we must conclude that much more needs to be done to lessen noise in our environment.
In the noise brochure that GrowNYC distributes 3, and which I helped produce, there is a section that states: “Quiet Begins With You.” One of the suggestions listed is “Respect your neighbor’s right to quiet.” Respect is a key word when it comes to lessening noise. Indeed, each one of us can contribute personally to making our world less noisy and quieter.
Respect goes beyond person-to-person relationships. Shouldn’t government agencies respect citizens? Is the FAA respecting the people who are suffering from overhead flight noise by referring to noise merely as an “annoyance” rather than the health hazard it is? Are our government officials respecting citizens by not funding the EPA’s Office of Noise Abatement and Control, which was created to carry out the mandate of the Noise Control Act, with its stated intent to protect human health? Additionally, how respectful are our public officials of laws in general when they ignore the mandate of one law? Are agencies empowered to enforce noise bylaws respectful if they fail to enforce these bylaws?
Fortunately, in the last few years, the number of groups advocating for less noise in our society has grown. Additionally, there have been more articles in the media about noise pollution. The purpose of this editorial is to stress how each one of us must think about noise on a more personal level. Increased noise pollution in our society should be viewed as a statement about how each of us thinks about our duty to other people. The GrowNYC brochure states that quiet begins with each one of us and less noise can be best accomplished when we respect the right of others to quiet.